“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi


9月15日,意大利藝術家Edoardo Tresoldi在位於Trentino Valley的知名戶外博物館“Arte Sella雕塑公園”內推出了他為場地特別設計的裝置作品“共生”(Simbiosi)。三十多年來,Arte Sella雕塑公園與眾多國際知名藝術家和建築師進行了合作,包括艾德瓦爾多·蘇托·德·莫拉、隈研吾, 米凱萊·德·路奇和埃托·索特薩斯等,使藝術與自然通過一系列非凡的作品相互交織。去年冬天,Arte Sella雕塑公園遭到了風暴的嚴重破壞,之後公園對大部分的藝術作品和道路進行了重建,並於春天到來時重新向公眾開放。

On September 15th, Edoardo Tresoldi has unveiled “Simbiosi”, his new site-specific artwork for Arte Sella sculpture park, the renowned open air museum in Italy's Trentino Valley. For over thirty years, Arte Sella has intertwined Nature and Art thanks to artworks by internationally acclaimed artists and architects such as Eduardo Souto de Moura, Kengo Kuma, Michele De Lucchi, and Ettore Sottsass. Badly damaged by the last winter's storm, Arte Sella has managed to reconstruct most of the artworks and paths, and to reopen to the public in last Spring.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

Tresoldi的研究聚焦於對空間的體驗式感知以及與景觀元素的關係,以雕塑為手段在建築與自然之間進行情感性的滲透。 “共生”作為Tresoldi藝術演進之路的轉折點,開創性地將“不在場物質”(Absent Matter)的透明度與當地石材的實體感通過金屬絲網融合為一個整體。

Tresoldi's research, focused on the experiential perception of the space and the relationship with the landscape's elements, moves ahead through a sculptural and emotional interpenetration between architecture and nature. “Simbiosi” is a turning point in the Italian artist's evolution: for the first time, Tresoldi hybridizes the transparency of the Absent Matter, expressed through the wire mesh, with the materiality of local stones.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


Entirely open towards the sky and reaching a height of 5 meters, “Simbiosi” composes a space of rest and contemplation, a ruin suspended between architecture, nature and temporal dimension. The artwork seems to challenge the force of gravity, like a body in suspension that levitates between consciousness and unconsciousness, between the material and immaterial world. A living organism, permeable yet intimate: an emotional communication channel with nature.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


Unlike the “conventional” ruin, defined by a process of organic deterioration, with “Simbiosi” a reconstruction takes place, following unusual rules of matter, where the artist's design inserts itself in the ruin's structure. Indeed, the Absent Matter here embodies the mental shape that tries to define and retain the weight of matter by giving it a rational form.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”有意地將建築與自然元素進行了連接,並以此來詮釋周圍的景觀。不同元素之間的持續交換彰顯了雕塑所蘊含的美感、含義和邏輯。 Tresoldi借助建築性的原型描述了構成景觀的元素,而這些原型也成為了解釋它們自身的渠道。

“Simbiosi” is an interpretation of the surrounding landscape through the intentional connections between architectural and natural elements, whose continuous exchange defines the aesthetics, meanings and logics of sculpture. The architectural archetypes, through which Tresoldi narrates the landscape's elements, become here the channel through which they can be interpreted.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


If Man's attraction to the ruin, according to François René de Chateaubriand, arises from “une conformité secrète” between the destroyed monuments and the transience of our existence, here it is interpreted not as the expression of the idea of​​ a winning humanity, like monumental architecture does, but rather one of human fragility.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


“Simbiosi ” responds to the urge to analyze something you want to know. The artwork oscillates between earthly and spiritual dimensions; it embodies the primordial human vocation to merge with the natural element and, at the same time, to interpret it; the need to become part of the landscape and to represent it according to the codes that belong to it.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”在周圍景觀的共同影響下,與Arte Sella雕塑公園建立了深刻的聯繫。公園本身也經歷了劇烈的變化:如果不是2018年的風暴,雕塑所在的山丘也不會存在。緩慢生長的自然環境創造出了這座全新的結構,與其他的藝術品一樣,“共生”也將成為Arte Sella公園肌理的一部分,並最終與之融為一體。

Sculpted by the surrounding landscape, “Simbiosi” lives and breathes in deep connection with Arte Sella park, which itself has undergone the transformative action of nature: the same hill where the installation is located would not have existed had the 2018 storm not taken place. Nature, growing slowly, will define a new, additional architecture: same as the other artworks, “Simbiosi” will become part of the Arte Sella fabric and will ultimately blend with the park.

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

“共生”装置,意大利 / Edoardo Tresoldi-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

