日内瓦冥想亭 / GM Architectes Associés



GMAA: 冥想亭融入了它所在公园的整体概念,用它自身的品质来增强构图感。这个亭子是通过特定的木制交叉体块倒映在水面,创造了一个与基本方向对齐的整体。

GMAA: The Meditation Pavilion blends in the global conception of the park where it’s placed, enhancing the composition with its own qualities. The idea of this pavilion is projected through the particular relation of the wooden volume gently hovering above a crossing water surface, creating an ensemble precisely aligned with the cardinal directions.



总平面图  Master Plan


首层平面图  First Floor Plan


剖面图   Section 亭子和水面之间诗意的关系通过植物环境的设计得到了强调,限定了亭子在周围私人公园中的位置。


The poetic relation between the pavilion and the water surface is highlighted through a work on the vegetal environment that confines the pavilion’s position inside the private park that spreads around it.

The Gramineae mounds around the pavilion and the pool create a fluid vegetal belt, changing colors and movements with the seasons, and hiding the pavilion from direct views, allowing only partial or indirect perceptions. It is only fully revealed when penetrating among the mounds.




A special attention is given to lighting design (natural and artificial) in order to preserve the site’s intimate character. In both lateral volumes, skylights allow natural light in, while suspended spotlights and indirect lighting enhance the rhythm of timber cladding and the the ceiling’s corners.




The pavilion itself is composed by a crossing central void, flanked by two lateral volumes. The ensemble sits on top of a wooden platform cantilevered over the lawn and pool. The structure is made of V4A stainless steel covered by thermo-coated solid ash wood in walls, floors and ceilings.




The central void includes two slight reinforcements on the floor in an asymmetric position and can be closed by sliding elements from inside the walls. Each lateral volume contains a different function: the changing room and bathroom in the west one and the summer kitchen and storage in the east one. In order to refresh the atmosphere around the pavilion, a misting system is integrated along the eaves.


Project in collaboration with Wirtz International NV

年份: 2013年
尺寸: 1000平方英尺- 3000平方英尺

Project name: Mediation Pavilion and Garden
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Year: 2013
Size: 1000 sqft – 3000 sqft

更多:GMAA – GM Architectes Associés

