

汉十高铁(武汉-十堰)全长 399 公里,沿线设12 座客站,沿线串联武当山、古隆中、炎帝神农故里、黄鹤楼等著名旅游景区,该区域旅游收入占湖北全省旅游收入的 70%,堪称湖北最美风景旅游高铁线路。汉十高铁通车后,武汉至随州的高铁车程仅为 50 分钟,高速铁路为随州城市发展尤其旅游业的发展提供了前所未有的契机,作为旅游目的地的高铁车站,也将成为展现地方风貌的重要标志。

▼视频,video ©中南建筑设计院

Wuhan-Shiyan High-speed Railway (from Wuhan to Shiyan) is 399km long, with 12 stations along the line, connecting Wudang Mountain, Gulongzhong, legendary emperor Shen Nong’s hometown, Yellow Crane Tower and other famous tourism spots. The tourism revenue of this region, so-called the tourism high-speed railway with the most beautiful landscape in Hubei, accounts for 70% of that of Hubei Province. With the opening of the Wuhan-Shiyan High-speed Railway, the distance between Wuhan to Suizhou will be shortened to 50 minutes only. The high-speed railway provides an unprecedented opportunity for the urban development of Suizhou, especially for the tourism. As a destination of tourism spot, the station will also become an important icon to present the local uniqueness.

▼随州南站鸟瞰,Suizhou South Railway Station aerial view ©施峥



The characteristics of regional characters

随州洛阳镇的千年银杏谷,是世界四大密集成片的古银杏聚落之一。每逢中秋时节,银杏树下,金叶纷飞,成为了旅游者心中的世外桃源。我们从中获得启示,树状结构体系营造出森林一般的空间,挺拔的树状结构与动态屋面发生最直接的视觉关联,清晰地表达结构传力的逻辑。因此在随州南站的设计中,我们从表现城市地域特征的角度,将“银杏树下” 的自然意境融入建筑,让旅客获得独特的空间体验。

The Millennium Ginkgo Valley in Luoyang Town is one of the four ancient ginkgo landscapes in the world. During every Mid-Autumn Festival, the golden leaves fly around the ginkgo trees, becoming a paradise in the eyes of tourists. Hence, we follow tree structural system by creating a forest-like space. The straight tree structure has the most direct visual connection with the dynamic canopy, and clearly shows the logic of structural force transmission. Therefore, in the design of Suizhou South Railway Station, we integrate the natural artistic feeling of “under the ginkgo tree” into concept design from the perspective of presenting urban regional characteristics, so that tourists can get unique space experience.

▼挺拔的树状结构与动态屋面发生最直接的视觉关联 ©施峥
the straight tree structure has the most direct visual connection with the dynamic canopy


▼“银杏树下”, “under the ginkgo tree” ©施峥


▼落客区,drop off area ©施峥



Tree structure and space creation


▼四单元体,roof units ©中南建筑设计院


▼每4个小单元屋面分组合并,形成六组连续的曲面屋顶 ©施峥
every four small roof units are grouped and converted into six groups of continuous curved roofs


▼叶片状单元体集建筑、结构、采光于一体,the leaf-like unit consists of architecture, structure and lighting ©施峥



Through the abstraction and reconstruction of ginkgo leaves, we get the basic “leaf unit” that makes up space. The dimension of each unit is 27 x 24 meters, covering 648 square meters. The main space of the station is composed of 24 identical leaf-like units. Also, we optimized further during implementation: every four small roof units are grouped and converted into six groups of continuous curved roofs. The structure is more reasonable, construction difficulty is lessened, while construction cost is reduced in the meantime. Thus, the rhythmic natural curves and the light and flexible architectural structure can be integrated into the internal and external building space. The leaf-like unit consists of architecture, structure and lighting. The light reveals gradually the internal structure through the film, just like the leaf texture, which metaphors the nature and embodies the beauty of structure.

▼结构爆炸图,axon exploded ©中南建筑设计院


▼树状结构,tree structure ©施峥



Indoor and outdoor lighting

车站室内光环境的舒适性也是我们考虑的重要因素。单元体顶部设有采光天窗,通过透光膜的过滤产生柔和的漫射光,避免了眩光和阳光直射,室内照度也更均匀。我们通过照明模拟计算确定天窗面积,使得候车大厅在白天即使是阴天都可满足照度要求。阳光透过顶部天窗洒落在“叶片”单元体腔内,光线漫射形成一个个金色发光体,营造出“银杏树下,金叶纷飞”的空间意向,完美展现了叶片温润、通透的质感。自然光线引入,使建筑空间生动而富有生命力。夜间则通过设置于透光膜腔体内的 LED 灯点亮形成发光体,传达出中国传统 “灯笼”意蕴,进一步增强了车站的标识性和引导性。

The comfort of indoor lighting is also an important factor. A skylight on the roof produces soft diffuse light through the filtration of transparent film, avoiding glare and direct sunlight, and the indoor illumination is more uniform as well. We determine the dimension of skylight through lighting simulation calculation, so that the waiting hall can meet the illumination requirements in the daytime even when it is cloudy. The sunlight shines through the top skylight into the “leaf” units, and become goldenly luminescent caused by the light diffusion, creating the spatial intention of “golden leaves fly around under the ginkgo tree”. It perfectly shows the warm and transparent texture of the leaves. The introduction of natural light makes the architectural space vivid and full of vitality. At night, they will be lighted by the LED lamps inside through transparent films, which conveys the meaning of traditional Chinese “lanterns”, and further enhances the symbolism and instructiveness of the station.

▼车站室内环境,interior general view ©施峥


▼阳光透过顶部天窗洒落在“叶片”单元体腔内,光线漫射形成一个个金色发光体 ©施峥
the sunlight shines through the top skylight into the “leaf” units, and become goldenly luminescent caused by the light diffusion


▼夜晚,设置于透光膜腔体内的LED灯点亮形成发光体 ©施峥
at night, the “golden leaves”are be lighted by the LED lamps inside through transparent films


▼车站夜间外观,exterior view by night ©施峥


▼雾中的随州南站,Suizhou South Railway Station on a misty day ©施峥



New materials and new technology

这种空间效果的形成,关键在于覆盖在单元体外侧的ETFE膜材的性能。我们确定75% 的透光率、漫反射、金色这三个基本要素。我们几乎找遍了全球的供应商,在最后关头,德国ETFE膜材生产商答应为我们定制这种材料。ETFE膜材拥有良好的耐久性、阻燃性及透光性能,但是对拉力和温度变化较为敏感,为保证“叶片”最终形成饱满、光滑的曲面形态,项目团队需要对索网系统和膜材的张拉有着极其精准的控制。我们和施工单位一起联合大学科研团队,深入研究膜材力学性能及索膜受力体系专项技术,依托BIM及3D现场扫描技术,对相关节点及构造进行了多处优化创新,形成了一整套技术措施,精准完成 “叶片”各部分组件的设计与安装。

The key to the formation of this spatial effect is the performance of the ETFE film covering the outside of the unit structure. We determined the three basic elements of 75% transmittance, diffuse reflection and golden color, and had looked for suppliers all over the world. At the last minute, German ETFE film manufacturers agreed to customize this material for us. ETFE film material has good durability, flame retardancy and light penetration, but it is sensitive to tension and temperature changes. In order to ensure that the “leaf” finally forms a plump and smooth curved surface, the project team needs to have extremely accurate control on the tension of cable net system and film material. Together with the construction company and the university research team, we did an in-depth study on the mechanical properties of film materials and the special technology of cable film stress system. Relying on BIM and 3D field scanning technology, we optimized and innovated the some parts and structures, developed a whole set of technical measures, and accurately completed the design and installation of various components of “leaf”.

▼对索网系统和膜材的张拉有着极其精准的控制让“叶片”最终形成饱满、光滑的曲面形态 ©丁烁
the “leaf” forms a plump and smooth curved surface thanks to the extremely accurate control on the tension of cable net system and film material



Highly comfortable space experience


When you come to the railway entrance of Suizhou South Station on the highway by car, you will feel you are in the forest of ginkgo trees. You will be deeply impressed by the semi-outdoor space of this well-sheltered station. When you walk inside the Suizhou South Station, the gentle, diffuse and comfortable natural light penetrates from the “ginkgo leaves”. Due to the good performance of sound absorption effect brought by the film with surface area more than ten thousand square meters, the waiting hall is very quiet, and the broadcast is exceptionally clear without the common noise distraction like other train stations have.

▼候车大厅,the station hall ©施峥




Eventually, the “ginkgo leaf unit” has become the most impressing part in the entire building with rhythmic structural unit, soft light and gentle texture. It blurs the artificial and natural boundary, and illustrates the profound eastern traditional philosophy of “unity of man and heaven”.

▼银杏叶片单元体,the “ginkgo leaf unit” ©施峥



▼总平面图,site plan ©中南建筑设计院


▼站台层平面图,platform level plan  ©中南建筑设计院


▼高架候车层平面图,the elevated level plan ©中南建筑设计院


▼剖面图1,section 1 ©中南建筑设计院


▼剖面图2,section 2 ©中南建筑设计院


设计团队: 李春舫、尹博维、龙淳、蒋哲尧、陈柳青、李严、黄亮、吴平、李玲、盛毅
结构设计: 魏剑、张卫、刘明
景观设计: 黄浩丞、李昕
施工方: 中铁建工集团有限公司
nowofol:Nowoflon ET 6235z 300my gold
中玻蓝星玻璃武汉有限公司(加工厂): 6+12+6中空low-e玻璃
广州帝森建材有限公司: 3mm铝单板
瑞鑫顺石材: 25mm厚花岗石

More: 中南建筑设计院。更多关于他们:CSADI www.zoscape.com.

