泰国皇冠假日酒店景观 / LAB


這一項目涉及整修拉瑪蘭大樓正門和繁忙的羅摩四路之間的一個小地點,這條路離曼谷繁忙的Silom區的中心不遠。該建築包括一個多用途的辦公大樓和皇冠假日酒店。 LAB參與了一項概念設計,目的是將這個未使用的空間改造成一個安靜的避風港,供員工、遊客和酒店客人參觀。

This project involved the renovation of a small site between the main entrance to the Ramaland Building and busy Rama IV Road, not far from the heart of Bangkok's hectic Silom district. The building includes a mixed-use office tower and the Crowne Plaza Rama IV Hotel . LAB was involved in a conceptual design aimed at transforming this unused space into a tranquil haven for workers and visitors to the building and guests of the hotel.


After some consideration we settled on a theme of separation between the public sidewalk and an outdoor venue for hotel guests. A transparent wall now separates the two realms. Its predominant color on both sides is green, and at first glance the wall may appear to be solid, but closer inspection will reveal many small openings. The design aims to please not only the hotel guests, but also people passing by. Within the garden, water is used to create a pleasant sound and flowering frangipani trees contribute shade and their distinctive fragrance .

設計公司:Landscape Architects of Bangkok

Project name:Crowne Plaza Hotel
Project type: Hotel
Location: Thailand
Designer:Landscape Architects of Bangkok

