风景下的建造,大理慢屋 / IDO元象建筑+重庆合信建筑设计院


元象建築 + 重慶合信建築設計院:IDO元象建築與重慶合信建築設計院於2015年完成了第一個設計型酒店——大理“慢屋·攬清”(Munwood Lakeside),建築師所承擔的是兼具甲乙方的雙重角色,從最初的策劃、選址、設計、建造管理再到酒店運營,可謂是全過程的參與。同年,建築師開始了位於洱海東岸第二個慢屋——“慢屋·極目”(Munwood Panorama) 的設計,第一個慢屋所積累的客戶使用反饋作為真實存在的建築評價,成為了設計第二個慢屋時最為可靠的依據與動力。

IDO + Hexin Architectural Design Institute:In 2015, IDO completed the first design hotel (called Munwood Lakeside) in Dali, China, in collaboration with Chongqing Hexin Architectural Design Institute. We played a dual role in that project since we were our own client. We participated in all stages of that project, from planning and site selection to design, construction and operation. In the same year, we started the design of Munwood Panoroma, which is the second hotel of Munwood series, located on the east bank of Erhai Lake. The feedbacks received from guests on Munwood Lakeside gave us references and impetus to approaching the design of this project.

© Arch-Exist Photography

選址與訴求 Site selection & requests

考慮到“慢屋·攬清”客人的體驗是“清晨,臥於床榻可觀洱海日出”,為了客人獲得不同的體驗,“慢屋·極目”的選址關鍵詞自然地選定為“日落”:選址位於海東鎮的文筆村,此處依山傍水,對岸正對著蒼山、古城與三塔,這裡是整個洱海環線上可以飽覽“蒼洱全景”的最佳位置,項目取名為“極目”,以場地視線極佳,適合“極目遠望”而得,英文名“Panorama” 更暗合了“蒼洱全景”的畫面感。

Considering that Munwood Lakeside enables guests to enjoy sunrise on the bed, we hoped to create a different experience for them in Mundwood Panorama, and so took “sunset” as the key word for choosing the site. Finally we decided to locate the project in Wenbi Village of Haidong Town, which directly faces the Cang Mountain, Dali Ancient City and Three Pagodas of the Chongsheng Temple and is a perfect position to have a panoramic view of Erhai Lake. We named the hotel “Panorama”, indicating that it provides an open view to the surrounding landscape.

▼蒼洱全景 Panoramic view of Erhai Lake and Cang Mountain


▼周邊環境 Surroundings



Wenbi Village features a cluster of architectures on a sloping land. We selected two local dwellings with yards for building the hotel. Covering a land area of​​ 1,666 sqm in total, the original two architectures are respectively situated on the foot and middle of the slope, with a big elevation difference that is nearly the height of four storeys. Based on the principle of low-cost, we chose to work on the transformation via “subtle interventions”, so as to better let the architectures blend with the built environment of the village.

▼建築與村落 Architectures & village

© Liang Xiaolong

適度改造與秩序重塑 Moderate transformation and reshaping of order


We firstly rearranged the functional spaces of the two original buildings — the upper block and lower block. The lower block is formerly a two-floor farmer's house, constructed with bricks and concrete. We added a third floor to its roof to accommodate guest rooms. Besides, we also built a L-shaped steel-structured volume on the ground, which encloses a courtyard-like space with the building already existed and functions as the reception & dining area. The upper block is formerly a two-and-a- half-storey rectangular local dwelling, also built with bricks and concrete. We completed the third floor space by following the original architectural structure, and at the same time added three guest rooms with big terraces on one side. In this way, the architecture was given a new “L”-like shape, and a semi-enclosed yard was formed, with a borderless pool as the highlight. On the north side, we newly built an independent guest room area. It is made of a steel structure, so we call it “ steel hut”. The reason that we chose to adopt a steel structure is that we hoped to express the spatial relationship between the old and new, present the differences at construction and typology level, and make it more identifiable.

▼軸側圖 Axonometric drawing

▼建築外觀 Architectural appearance

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼下院餐廳及內院 Dining area & the inner yard of the lower block

© Liang Xiaolong

▼下院餐廳 Dining area of​​ the lower block

© Liang Xiaolong

▼下院餐廳室內 Dining interiors of the lower block

© Arch-Exist Photography

與山水對話的公共空間體驗 Public spaces: dialogue with nature


The public spaces are continuous and situated at different elevations, thereby forming a circulation route for guests along which they can enjoy varying views at every step, and also generating multi-dimensional interactions between people and landscape. We created a public terrace on the roof of the lower block, which is equipped with a borderless pool and a relaxing seating area. Taking the elevator upwards from the reception lobby, the guests will reach this rooftop terrace, on which they can overlook the Erhai Lake and Cang Mountain and establish a dialogue with the natural scenery. And then, they can arrive at the upper block area after passing through a steel bridge that stretches across a small cliff and ascending the stairs. The yard of the upper block also has a pool and allows the guests to enjoy the panorama of the charming lake and mountains. The sunlight and winds vary in different seasons and at different time throughout the day, which enriches the guests' experience.

▼下院屋頂花園 Roof terrace of the lower block

© Arch-Exist Photography
© Arch-Exist Photography
© Arch-Exist Photography

▼下院過道與樓梯 Passage & staircase of the lower block

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼上院與泳池 The upper block & swimming pool

© Arch-Exist Photography
© Arch-Exist Photography
© Arch-Exist Photography
© Arch-Exist Photography

▼上院泳池房灰空間 Transitional space & framed view of pool-equipped guest room of the upper block

© Arch-Exist Photography

客房空間:多樣性與體驗感 Guest rooms: diversified types and experiences

慢屋·極目佈置了23個客房,一共11種房型,在客房室內空間設計上,與風景關聯性的思考延伸到每一種房型設計中:比如601系列房型:設計一反常規地將衛生間空間與臥室空間的面積比設置為1:1,結合入戶花園設置了浴缸區,並將室內空間處理成室外化的效果,營造了獨特體驗感的洗浴空間體驗,而在另一側的臥室區,從位於榻榻米上的睡眠空間往洱海方向看,臥榻區恰到好處地將風景進行了“框景”的構圖限定。 606系列房型:衛生間佈置策略於臥室區的一側,浴缸區域靠近外窗一側佈置,窗外設置無邊際鏡面水池,人在浴缸中的視線,水池恰好與與洱海相連在一起的關係,形成了與洱海更為“親近”的體驗感。而五樓靠近無邊泳池的客房外,建築師為了保證房間的私密性,特意在客房外設置了過渡空間,有木格柵形成了“框”的形式,這一處有縱深感的畫框同樣將泳池、洱海與蒼山構成為一幅“山水畫”。

Panorama Resort has in total 23 guest rooms of 11 different room types. The idea of​​ connecting to nature was incorporated into the interior design of every room type. Taking the guest room 601 as an example, the design took an unconventional path by dividing space area equally between the bedroom and bathroom. The bathroom area is combined with an indoor garden, creating an illusion of being outside and providing a unique bathing experience. On the other hand, the bedroom area faces the Erhai Lake, and the window near the tatami frames the outdoor landscape. Another example is the guest room 606. Its bathroom is placed beside the bedroom area, with the bathtub situated next to the exterior window facing a reflective pool. Seen from the bathtub, the pool seems to connect with the Erhai Lake, forming a “closer” interaction between the lake and the guests. For the guest room on the 5th floor next to the borderless pool, a transitional space was specially set up in consideration of pri vacy. The wooden gratings in this area forms a “frame” with a sense of depth, which combines the pool, the Erhai Lake and the Cang Mountain in the background into a “landscape painting”.

▼客房706 -1 Guest room 706-1

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房601或701 Guest room 601/guest room701

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房601或701 窗與框景 Window & framed view of guest room 601/guest room701

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房706 -2 Guest room 706-2

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房706 -3 Guest room 706-3

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房706-3 露台細部 Guest room 706-3

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房706-4 浴缸與洱海 Guest room 706-4

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼客房706-5 浴缸與洱海 Guest room 706-5

© Liang Xiaolong

關於體驗的建造:小鋼屋設計解讀 Experience-focused construction: an interpretation of the steel hut

場地限制與空間邏輯 Site restrictions and spatial logic


The steel hut is located on the northernmost side of the upper block. The site is narrow, long, and trapezoidal, which is about 21 meters in length. From south to north, the width gradually decreases from 6 meters to less than 3 meters. Besides, the site slopes downward from north to south, with an elevation difference of 2.5 meters approximately. Facing the cliff on the west, it provides the guests an open view to the Erhai Lake and Cang Mountain at a distance. In addition, on the east side of the site, there is a retaining wall about 2 meters high, above which is a public path of the village. The site of the steel hut was once the main passage for the dwellers of the upper block to enter and exit the village , but it no longer serves that function since the merging of the upper and lower blocks. We hoped to make use of it to build an independent guest room area with a communal space and two guest rooms, and so we carried out a construction experiment and exploration on creating an eff icient, comfortable and experience-focused vacation space on a limited site area.

▼總平面圖 Site plan

▼小鋼屋外觀 Appearance of the steel hut

© Arch-Exist Photography

針對用地面積較小且不規則的現實條件,建築師決定將兩個客房空間的牆面處理成斜線,呈“八字型”,以使客房空間面對洱海獲得更為寬闊的景觀面,而被這兩個客房空間“切割”剩下的三個“倒梯形”空間則成為了衛生間、廚房及公共樓梯等。這個劃分方式再結合對緩坡地形的分台及錯層處理,產生了路易·康(Louis I.Kahn)所說的“服伺與被服伺空間體系”:作為“服伺空間”的交通體、廚房、衛生間等;作為“被服伺空間”的客房、公共客廳等。

In view of the limited area and irregular shape of the site, we decided to arrange the flank walls of both guest rooms on diagonal lines, which splay outwards. In this way, the guest rooms have a wider view towards the Erhai Lake, and several 'inverted trapezoidal” spaces were “cut” and left on the site, which were converted into a washroom, kitchen and public staircase hall. Such way of spatial division, combined with the split-level design based on the gentle slope, embody Louis I . Kahn's concept of “Served Spaces and Servant Spaces”: with staircase hall, kitchen and washroom as “servant spaces”, and guest rooms and the public living room as “served spaces”.

▼小鋼屋公共樓梯 Public staircase of the steel hut

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼小鋼屋細部 Details of the steel hut

結構體係與空間體驗 Structural system and spatial experience


After figuring out the spatial order, we wanted to make the structural order integrate with it, and let the three “servant spaces” together constitute the structural supporting system. Considering the economy of the structural system and convenience for construction, we adopted small rectangular steel tubes to form grid as the main supporting structure. Due to the large gaps left between the steel tubes, light can make its way in. Therefore, this structure is different from the conventional “grid” in a sense, but more like a “light filter”. When guests move inside the steel-structure “light filter”, they can feel the interaction with nature. Especially at dusk, they can see the sunlight from the west penetrating through the gaps of the steel grid and illuminating the stone wall. Light and shadows were utilized as unique “construction materials” and incorporated into the architectural space. The steel hut is essentially a construction experiment focusing on the exper ience of nature.

▼小鋼屋公共客廳 Public area of​​ the steel hut

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼小鋼屋客房 Guest room in the steel hut

© Arch-Exist Photography

▼小鋼屋客房衛生間 Guest room bathroom of the steel hut

© Arch-Exist Photography

由於場地東面是堡坎以及高於場地的村路,因此建築師先是澆築了一道鋼筋混凝土牆,然後在朝向室內一面用海東石砌築牆面,形成了具有度假氛圍的背景牆,所有的開關插座、壁爐、空調位及物品櫃等均以壁龕的形式嵌入在石頭牆內,保證了石砌牆面的完整性。石頭牆的粗糙、木質界面的溫暖以及鋼的精緻,幾種不同質感的材料在陽光下,共同形成了特別的空間氛圍。 “小鋼屋”的設計反應了結構與空間之間理性的關係,在材料和建造方面,建築師表達了清晰的建造邏輯和朴素的在地建造觀念。

On the east side of the steel hut, there is a retaining wall and a village path higher than the site. Based on this, we built a reinforced concrete wall for the hut, and then clad the interior-facing side of the wall in local stones, therefore creating a unique backdrop wall with a holiday atmosphere. All the switches, sockets, fireplaces, AC units and cabinets were placed in niches embedded in the stone wall, and by doing so ensured its integrity. The roughness of the stone wall, the warmth of the wooden interface, and the exquisiteness of steel, present the variety of material textures, and generate a unique spatial ambience. The design of the steel hut reflects the rational relationship between structure and space, and its material selection and construction show a clear logic and respect to locality.

▼材料 Details of materials

© Liang Xiaolong
© Liang Xiaolong

▼改造策略示意+模型照片 Transformed strategy + Architectural model

▼小鋼屋分解軸測圖 Exploded axonometric drawing of the steel hut▼小鋼屋剖透視 Perspective section of the steel hut▼小鋼屋牆身大樣 Detailed drawing of the steel hut’s walls▼組合平面圖1 Combined floor plans 1▼組合平面圖2 Combined floor plans 2

建築面積:改造前1110 m2,改造後1785 m2

Project name: Dali Munwood Panorama Resort Hotel
Client: Chongqing Munwood Hotel Management Co., Ltd.
Project location: Wenbi Village, Haidong Town, Dali City, Yunan Province, China
Project area: 1110 m2 / 1785 m2 (before/after transformation)
Design phase: March 2015 — June 2016
Completion time: April 2017
Opening time: October 2018
Architectural design: Init Design Office (IDO), Chongqing Hexin Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Interior design: CAS
Photography: Arch-Exist Photography, Liang Xiaolong

更多 Read more about: IDO元象建築

