架在树林间的乌托邦街 / Compagnie des Rues


Compagnie des Rues:“La rue des Utopies”位于巴黎LaDéfense商业区的中心,“乌托邦街”坐落在巴黎拉德芳斯(LaDéfense)商业区的中心,靠近滨海大道的巴黎地铁出口,在一片菩提树林中提供了一个隐居和沉思的时刻。这条高空路线的设计目的是为用户提供一个新的安静空间。商业区习惯于水泥的均匀性、直角和施加的渗漏线。该干预跟踪了esplanade用户的流动,将他们转移片刻,让他们重新发现地点。海拔高度允许你离开矿物和沥青在树冠中漫步,在唤醒感官的同时享受它们荫凉的叶子。

Compagnie des Rues:Located at the Paris metro exit of the La Défense Esplanade, “La rue des utopies” offers a walk-observatory in the middle of a grove of linden trees.This high-altitude route is designed to offer users a new quiet space. business district accustomed to the uniformity of cement, right angles and imposed leakage lines.The intervention follows the flow of users of the esplanade, diverting them for a moment to allow them to rediscover the places. The elevation allows you to leave the mineral and bitumen to roam among the crown of trees, enjoy their shady foliage while awakening the senses.


At a distance of 60 meters, the promenade invites the eye to open up to new points of view and offers a break from the hectic pace of the day. The elevated view of the esplanade shows the monumentality of the triumphal arch from another angle. The walk and its two perched shelters invite to the gathering or the meeting with the other, according to the desires of each one. Since this shelter on a human scale, passers-by rock from the urban hyper to natural; from global to local.Disconnected from the network, the digital, passers-by are invited to connect to oneself or the other to return to a present use of the places. The attention of the passers-by has been diverted the time of a walk; the time to live a new perspective and take a fresh look at a known landscape.


这是一个很直观的体验:在熟悉的地平面上方几米处提供全新的城市体验。 习惯于无处不在的灰色色阶,严格的线条和硬角度的商业区的用户被邀请到这里,他们会惊讶的重新发现他们周围的环境。 海拔使他们能够离开这个世界,漫步在树冠之间; 享受它们阴凉的树叶,唤醒他们的感官。

The concept here was simple: to offer a completely new experience of the city only a few meters above the familiar ground plane. Users of the business district accustomed to the ubiquitous grey color scale, strict lines and hard angles are invited to err for a moment and rediscover their surroundings. The elevation enables them to leave this world behind and wander through the crown of the trees; enjoying their shady foliage and awakening their senses.

架在树林间的乌托邦街 / Compagnie des Rues-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载架在树林间的乌托邦街 / Compagnie des Rues-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载   架在树林间的乌托邦街 / Compagnie des Rues-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载架在树林间的乌托邦街 / Compagnie des Rues-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载架在树林间的乌托邦街 / Compagnie des Rues-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

2016年公共形式(Forme Publique)在巴黎商业区LaDéfense的第三届公共家具双年展揭幕。日内瓦设计师Florian Lopez和Constantinos Hoursoglou来自COMPAGNIE des RUES事务所,他们的作品《乌托邦之路》随后被选为四个将要实现的获奖项目之一。

Forme Publique inaugurates its 3rd edition of the Public Furniture Biennale located in the Parisian business district La Défense.”La Rue des Utopies” by the Geneva-based designers Florian López and Constantinos Hoursoglou from the agency COMPAGNIE DES RUES, was subsequently selected as one of four winning projects to be realised.

Forme Publique公共家具展,第一次出现在欧洲商业区域,所选择的区域是一个共享的领土,目的是促进用户的连接。是一个真正的创造和创新的地方。从艺术作品的安装开始,Forme Publique dalle也成为了一个实验室,通过它在2012年建立的城市家具,公共形式,得到了用户的欢迎和支持。

L’espace public de La Défense, premier quartier d’affaires européen, est à la fois un territoire de partage et de (dé)-connexion pour ses utilisateurs. La spécificité de son histoire comme de sa topographie en font un lieu à part, un véritable terrain de création et d’innovation. Depuis l’installation d’œuvres d’art, la dalle de La Défense est aussi devenue un laboratoire expérimental à travers sa biennale de création de mobilier urbain, Forme Publique, créée en 2012 à l’initiative de Defacto.

客户:Defacto Logistics Third Pole
制造商:Douglas Fir
建筑师:Compagnie des Rues,
照片:Cyrille Lallement

Location: La Défense, France
Area: 1300.0 ft2
Project Year: 2016
Customer: Defacto Logistics Third Pole
Manufacturers: Douglas Fir
Architects: Compagnie des Rues,
Photographs: Cyrille Lallement

更多:Compagnie des Rues

