英国女王伊丽莎白奥林匹克公园 / Hargreaves Associate


伦敦奥林匹克公园占地247英亩,位于英国伦敦东部,与斯特拉特福德市(Stratford City)相邻,是19世纪以来英国新建最大的城市公园。公园旧址是一片污染严重的工业园区,从2008年开始进行改建工程。公园在设计时经过了深思熟虑,除了标志性的远动场馆外,还融合了沼泽地、森林、草坪以及其它野生动物的栖息地,十分多样化,从环境角度来讲,为未来留下了宝贵的遗产。

公园内标志性的建筑有可持续使用的奥林匹克体育场(Olympic Station)、令人振奋的水上运动中心(Aquatics Centre)以及前卫时尚的自行车馆(Velodrome),俯瞰这一切的是扭曲、抽象的钢筋巨塔安赛乐-米塔尔轨道(ArcelorMittal Orbit),又名“Hubble Bubble Pipe”,这是一座高达115米的瞭望塔,在伦敦奥运会期间对外开放。随着伦敦奥运会成为历史,公园被更名为伊丽莎白女王奥林匹克公园(Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park)。

The 247 acre park served as the central feature for the London 2012 Olympic Games, which were recognized as the “Greenest Games” in history, with the park declared the “winner of the Games” by the Mayor of London. The largest new park created in Europe for more than 150 years, the design synthesizes centuries of British park tradition, the reality of post-industrial brownfields, advances in sustainability and resilience thinking to create a new type of park for the 21st Century. Focused around the restoration of the River Lea, the park includes a northern environmental park and a southern festival park that showcases the Olympic Gardens, which are themed around the countries who participate in the Games.  The Transformation Plan set the framework for the park post-Games, replacing paving and sporting venues with park programming and additional habitat landscapes – creating a regenerated landscape that will inspire generations to come.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate


Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK by Hargreaves Associate

设计公司:Hargreaves Associate

Project name: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UK
Project type: Park
Location: England
Area:247 acre
Design company: Hargreaves Associate


更多:Hargreaves Associate



