和光庭,捕捉流动的光影和时间 / 七月合作社




July Cooperative Company:The garden is designed for a young couple with two kids, which is the external space of a modern style villa. Considering the space functionality, the design proposal of the ground floor garden is not only to create a unique entrance area but also to provide a comfortable place for daily activities. Therefore, the ground floor garden is composed of lawn area, narrow path, series of stone platforms and a DIY planting space. Meanwhile, the underground courtyard between the teahouse and the study room is designed to be a peaceful contemplation place.


▼采用现代简约风格的一层花园 The ground floor garden: Modern and Simplicity

▼远离日常重回精神空间的宁静自然的地下庭院 The quiet and natural underground courtyard brings people away from city noises


环绕建筑的动线 Walk around the Building

从场地的形状和特性出发,一层花园流线围绕建筑布置: 形成 “ 开阔草坪——夹在高大柏树之间的狭窄小径——后院连续平台” 的开合序列。在乔木的选择上大量使用了具有造型感的柏类植物,因其向上的生长趋势在竖向上延伸了空间,近似几何的简洁造型也增加了花园整体的节奏感和趣味性。

Based on the form and features of the site, the circulation line is set around the building. A series of opening and closing spaces are settled: The journey starts from the open grassy lawn next to the house entrance, passing the lawn there is a small narrow path between two lines of uprising cypresses, following the path, the backyard that consists of continuous platforms will rise before the eyes.

Two kinds of cypresses with sculptural shape and uprising growth trend are planted here in order to extend space in the vertical direction, as well as to add some sense of rhythm and pleasure to the whole garden.


▼入口的草坪和花径 The grassy lawn area and flower path around the entrance

▼草坪旁的石座椅 A Stone bench next to the lawn area

▼后院活动空间 The backyard designed as the activity space



In order to increase the contrast with the erection arbors, a large number of low flowers and ornamental grasses rather than middle lever shrubs are used here as ground cover.

The change of natural light and wind left traces on the plants’ surface during the day. Therefore, the garden is not only a rest space but also a place that provides the opportunity to observe the nature elements closely.


▼从室内落地窗观看花园内带廊架的活动平台与水景 A glimpse from the interior to the garden: the garden pavilion and the water feature


流动的水景 Flowing Water Feature


Water is another flowing element in the garden.

Start from the inlet hidden under the cone glass sculpture, a narrow waterline flows through the long axis, passing through a group of a split giant stone, filling the container at end of the axis, draining through another hidden outlet in the end.

The whole process repeats every hour, which measures time in a concrete way.


▼水景整体 An overview of the water feature

▼水景细节 The details of the water feature


重返山水 Return to the Nature


The design concept of the underground yard is to emphases the space atmosphere while users sit here in the contemplative status.

Natural materials make this place distinguished from the modern city environment, providing a moment of peace and serenity.

The round glass sculpture looks like a puddle of quiet water that creates a strong contrast with the rough stone pavement around it. At the same time, the “ quiet water ” glass sculpture acts in cooperation with the flowing water feature on the ground floor garden, composing two different landscape scenes inside the villa.


▼庭院正面 Front view of the courtyard

▼从茶室落地窗看向中庭 View from the floor window of the tea house

▼不同材质拼接的细节 Design details: Joint of various materials


▼一层效果图 Design Drawings of the ground floor▼地下一层效果图 Design Drawings of the underground






Project Name: Heguang Garden
Project Location: Shanghai, China
Project Type: Residential
Design Firm: July Cooperative Company
Lead Designers: Heng Kang, Yang Su, Yaqing Zeng, Yang Chen
Design Scope: Concept Design, Construction Drawings Design, Design Supervision
Design Area: 700 square meters
Construct Date: 2018.09
Completion Date: 2019.05
Photographer: Hao Chen


项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project


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