2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华






How does a parks and recreation department recast itself as a relevant brand today that can successfully face the next century of change? Seeking a vision beyond the typical ‘blue and green’ parks motif, the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation challenged the design team to craft a brand to spark the public’s curiosity in the first systemwide master plan in over 25 years.

Curlers to coyotes roam and recreate in Vancouver’s network of 1,300 hectares of parkland, 28 kilometers of seawall and 175 neighborhood facilities. The resulting brand draws from this energy to forge a vibrant identity agile enough to represent the breadth of exceptional and progressive services offered—from mahjong to warming stations for the homeless.

VanPlay, the reenvisioned brand, garnered over 1 million digital impressions in its first six months and is helping the city create a framework for inclusivity and welcome in the face of challenges that range from sea level rise, aging infrastructure and rising social inequality.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲VanPlay是“溫哥華公園娛樂計劃2040”的內容之一:它是一個大膽的品牌形象,象徵著城市的頑強生命力,並將為城市公園和娛樂系統的未來發展打下基礎。 VanPlay is the vision for Parks+Rec in Vancouver, 2040:VanPlay is a bold branding identity to embody the city’s tenacity and to set the stage for the future of the city’s parks and recreation system.








· 重要的/有意義的項目和流程
· 具有創新性的方案
· 未來的線路地圖
· 由市民驅動的規劃和流程
· 包容性,為所有人服務
· 合理性,以數據和實施為基礎
· 健康/活躍的人群和場所
· 我的街區,我的公園(對我來說它是什麼)


· 你會為什麼事情感動?什麼事情感動了你?
· 它們使你感動的點在哪裡?
· 共同的目標;連接
· 粗糙;不完整;非正式;野生
· 普通人;易於接近;非企業的;無障礙
· 動態;充滿活力


設計團隊在任務會議上進行了一系列品牌宣傳活動,並藉此為整體規劃流程(Van Play)和規劃方案(Playbook)選定名稱,彰顯與運動、活力和健康相關的內涵。宣傳材料的顏色並未採用象徵傳統公園和休閒空間的綠色,而是選擇了能夠反映溫哥華景觀的鮮豔色彩以及尺度。平面設計元素也都來自於溫哥華市的花園、海灘、公園以及娛樂設施。




VanPlay品牌規劃的下一個階段是將這些想法傳遍世界,以供全球的溫哥華人閱讀、觀看、討論和遊戲。以各類游戲和活動的創意為靈感,團隊創建了一系列符合國際公眾參與協會條例(IAP2 – 信息告知、諮詢、參與、合作、授權)的社區型活動。早期的參與活動包括:

· 設計團隊在所有社交平台上發布信息圖表和背景文件,以強調和分享VanPlay的關鍵信息和數據(IAP2“信息告知”。)開放的網絡是VanPlay品牌規劃流程的一個關鍵特徵。

· VanPlay活動還結合了高品質的花絮視頻製作,通過一系列“VanScene”(Van場景)將溫哥華的日常生活生動地展示出來。該視頻還強調了管理委員會對溫哥華市的廣泛影響力,同時為線上調查以及VanPlay巡迴活動進行了宣傳(IAP2“信息告知”)。

· 在規劃中,離線信息的獲取常常受到忽視。客戶和設計團隊希望人們能夠盡可能地註意到和品牌規劃相關的信息,因此他們將宣傳廣告印在遊覽車上,相當於在城市道路上設置了移動的廣告牌。 VanTour巡迴活動遵循了策略性的路線,以便覆蓋盡可能多的、來自各個收入層級的多樣化的群體(IAP2:信息告知和參與)。

· 巡迴遊覽車內部包含了一個藍色的“想像力遊樂場”,旨在吸引人們的注意,並鼓勵市民以家庭為單位參與活動(IAP2:信息告知和諮詢)。

· 項目花費了六週時間進行全系統觀察研究。該研究記錄了超過18000位(來自不同收入層級和背景)居民對公園和娛樂設施的使用情況,並以此來為品牌發展計劃提供事實依據(IAP2:信息告知)。

· 開展全市範圍的在線調查,捕獲各種創意點子,同時收集社區對公園和娛樂設施的需求和建議(IAP2:信息告知和諮詢)。

· 圍繞以上調查結果,舉辦由北美各行專家主持的SmartCity講座,同時開展社區問答環節,制定工作說明表(IAP2:信息告知和參與)。




· 超過一百萬次數字展示;
· 通過VanTour巡迴活動和“想像力遊樂場”建立了4000個節點;
· 超過200個組織的參與;
· 1萬次視頻瀏覽和轉發;
· 1萬次在線參與鏈接訪問
· 平面形象獲得100%的公園理事會授權
· 受訪者的成年人和兒童人數比例達到了理想的50%


2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲聚焦未來:面對人口增長和氣候變化等各種挑戰,VanPlay品牌塑造計劃聚焦於以下問題:“未來的公園和娛樂設施會是什麼樣子?”All Eyes on the Future:With challenges including rapid population growth and climate change, the VanPlay campaign and master plan centered on the question: what do the parks and recreation of tomorrow look like?

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲讓設計帶來巧思:溫哥華公園和娛樂管理委員會要求設計師突破公園和娛樂設施的傳統模式,打造一個能夠彰顯溫哥華特質的品牌形象。 Thinking Different (by Design): The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation challenged the design team to think beyond traditional parks and recreation brands and develop an identity that spoke to the core of what it means to be a Vancouverite.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲超前地思考一切:本次計劃還將引導溫哥華政府以及公園管理部門發揮其先進和包容的作用,包括各種革新性的社會和文化服務,例如為流浪者準備的溫暖的休息站。 Forward Thinking Everything:The campaign also must channel the progressive and inclusive nature of Vancouver and its Park Board, such as the unique and innovative, social and cultural services from childcare warming stations for the homeless.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲源於溫哥華的活力:設計團隊從溫哥華生機勃勃的自然環境中找到靈感,精選了數百張能夠反映色彩和文化特徵的照片,並將其應用為品牌形象的主色調。 Vancouver-Inspired Vibrancy:The team sought inspiration in the vibrant nature of Vancouver, visually and culturally. Hundreds of photographs representing color and culture were curated to become the brand’s color palette.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲品牌標識呈現為一個自由奔放的跳躍者的形象。秉持著包容性的基本原則,該計劃還開發了一套補充性的形象和角色,以代表居住在溫哥華的形形色色的人群。 The logo ultimately centered on a free-spirited character jumping through the air. With a founding principle of inclusivity, the supplemental cast of characters and resulting brand assets were developed to represent the full spectrum of Vancouverites.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲為了擴大品牌的影響力,設計團隊開發了一套完整的設計標準手冊,以確保VanPlay的品牌特徵能夠被每個參與規劃的人使用,從而保持統一而富有凝聚力的視覺形象。 To expand the reach of the brand, the team developed a complete design standards manual to enable anyone and everyone involved in the planning process to design assets for public release, which maintained a cohesive and unified visual identity.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲公園管理委員會和設計團隊還以獨特的敘事形式來鼓勵社區互動,激發人們對品牌的興趣,從而積極地參與到城市公園的規劃過程當中。 Next, the Park Board and design team developed a set of novel forms of community engagement that would not only spark interest in the plan but encourage people to get active in the city’s parks and the planning process.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲位置,位置,位置:離線信息的獲取常常受到忽視。為了深入來自各個收入層級的多樣化的社區,項目團隊對公園的活動設施進行了全系統的觀察,並組織了VanTour巡迴活動來促進社區參與。 Location, Location, Location: Off-line, outdoor awareness is often underused in planning. To reach neighborhoods with diversity of income and cultures, the team conducted observational studies of recreation in parks systemwide and organized the ‘VanTour,’ a mobile community engagement effort .

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲離線,上路:受到1970年代溫哥華公園汽車的啟發,項目團隊為VanTour巡迴活動開發了一款旅行房車,並在其中置入一個“想像力遊樂場”。旅行房車就如同移動的廣告牌一般,大量地吸引了人們的注意。 Off-Line, On-Road: Inspired by a 1970’s Vancouver Park Mobile, the team developed a tour van for the VanTour. The Van hauls the Imagination Playground and functions as a moving billboard to generate and maintain top-of-mind attention on the campaign.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲他們的努力讓我們玩得開心:溫哥華公園和娛樂管理委員會是歷史最悠久的市政部門之一。 VanTour巡迴活動為委員們提供了與社區居民愉快互動的機會。 They work hard so we can play hard: The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation is one the oldest politically elected parks boards. The VanTour offered opportunities for the commissioners to engage in person with their community in a fun and relaxed setting.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲未來的人,建造未來:為了吸引溫哥華的年輕人,VanTour巡迴活動帶來了一個“想像力遊樂場”,它可以被改造成數千種場景和配置,充分激發了年輕人的想像力和創造力。 People of the Future, Building The Future: To engage Vancouver’s youngest demographic, the Van Tour included an ‘Imagination Playground’ that can be shaped and reformed into thousands of configurations, sparking youth’s imaginations.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲你的#VanPlay行動:借助社交媒體,社區成員得以表達和分享自身的創意、照片和視頻,全面地展示出每個溫哥華人獨有的#VanPlay方式。 This Is How You #VanPlay: Through social media, the community furthered the campaign’s reach by posting thousands of their own thoughts, photos and videos to share how Vancouverites #vanplay.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲線上VanPlay:待在家裡的人們可以觀看由VanPlay出品的優質電影。它記錄了溫哥華日常生活的情景,加深並拓寬了人們對於公園和娛樂系統的認知。 If You’re VanPlaying Online…For those playing along at home, VanPlay debuted a highly-produced film of life in Vancouver, bringing the “day in the life” VanScene to life. The film reinforces the breadth scope of the parks and recreation system .

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲VanPlay智慧城市講座海報:“重新思考智慧城市:城市生活”。策劃者為UBC建築和景觀學院,以及溫哥華公園和娛樂管理委員會。 VanBranded: VanPlay Smart City Talks posters: ReThink The Smart City Talks: Urbanarium, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.

2018 ASLA传播类荣誉奖:VanPlay公共娱乐品牌打造计划,温哥华-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

▲成果數據:超過100萬次數字展示;成年人和兒童的參與比重為50%/50%;100%的公園理事會授權率;4000多個VanTour巡迴活動節點;1萬次視頻瀏覽和轉發;超過200個組織的參與;1萬8000多名被研究對象。 Metrics of Success (metric labels used as caption): 1M+ Impressions; Achieved a 50%/50% adult and youth response; 100% Board approval of campaign; 4K+ VanTour connections; 10K Views and Mentions/10K Visits to online engagement; 200+ Organizations Engaged; 18,000+ People observed during recreation studies.


The Branding Dilemma

It has been over 25 years since the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation conducted a citywide master plan for parks and recreation. Since that time, the population has grown by 160,000 people to over 630,000 residents. Looking 25 years into the future, the city is expected to grow by 12 percent and with this growth, the parks system faces changing demands including an aging population, diversification of cultures, and increased social isolation reported by residents. Igniting this growth, real-estate development has erected towers of steel and glass, densifying neighborhoods and increasing the use of the city’s 230 parks and 24 community centres.

Given the challenge of increased use and changing customer needs, the Park Board embarked on a parks and recreation master plan and with it, the task of generating a compelling brand for the project to connect the process to the community on a visceral level. The communication had to adequately address both the master plan and inform the process of making it. The brand shaped the documentation of the plan as well as an 18-month process that captured the attention of staff, stakeholders and members of the public who are involved in over a dozen other city planning initiatives.

Thinking Different (By Design)

As an origin point for the project, the client team challenged the designers to think beyond the traditional motifs we associate with parks and recreation. They expressed a strong desire for the brand to not only encapsulate the great diversity of Vancouverites but also the vast array of services that the Park Board provides, stretching the bounds of conventional parks and recreation.

Initial branding and identity exploration work took place in two workshops. The first used focus questions such as “what do we want the audience to THINK and FEEL about the master plan process” to generate a set of possible “thematic clusters” for branding:

· Important/meaningful project and process
· Don’t miss out, exciting and fun
· An innovative plan
· A road map to the future
· Citizen driven plan and process
· Inclusive, providing access for all
· Rational, data and fact-based
· Healthy / active people and places
· My neighborhood, my parks (what’s in it for me)

In the second, the group agreed on two key takeaways: first that the brand needed to emotionally connect with people in a way that data and facts would not. The group then focused its discussion on the unique and varied functions of Vancouver’s parks and recreational facilities , programs and services. The conversation explored the myriad benefits offered to the city, to neighbourhoods, and to individuals. The closing round of discussion focused on words and phrases that would help develop an approach around purpose and connection. The following list was generated:

· What makes you move? What moves you?
· Why do they care (what moves you emotionally?)
· Shared purpose; Connection
· Rough; incompleteness; informal; wild
· Average people; approachable; not corporate; accessible
· Dynamic, vibrant

VanPlay and the Playbook

From the design brief meetings, the team executed a series of branding exercises to develop a name for the master plan process (VanPlay) and resulting master plan (the Playbook) that connoted movement, vitality and health. The colors of the communication materials moved away from traditional parks and recreation greens to reflect the vibrant colors and dimensions of the landscapes of Vancouver. Silhouettes used in graphic communication pulled from the gardens, beaches, parks and recreation activities of the city and its residents.

The design team analyzed social media and in situ observation to develop a representative community to use throughout the identity. The final piece of the identity was the VanScene, a modular hero scene of silhouettes and background used across all platforms. It imagined the life of the VanPlay community against the city skyline and a community centre in a background.

The brand book ensures that the VanPlay identity is usable by anyone and everyone involved in the planning process so that they can design assets that are immediately identifiable as being “of VanPlay” regardless of designer, firm or city department involved. Over the past year, over 1,000 individual pieces of content have been designed and created for the VanPlay project, all of which are undeniably “of VanPlay” and recognizable to shareholders and the public.

From Identity to Engagement

The next phase of the VanPlay process involved taking these ideas out into world for Vancouverites to read, view, discuss and play. The team created a suite of engagement activities inspired by the identity ideas of playfulness, inclusivity and movement. The activities aligned with the International Association of for Public Participation (IAP2) spectrum of community engagement (Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate, Empower). Early engagement activities included:

· The design team designed and launched infographics and background papers across social media platforms to highlight and share the key facts and figures of VanPlay (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform). An open network of sharing is a key trait of the VanPlay process.

· The greater VanPlay campaign incorporated a highly-produced video of vignettes showcasing life in Vancouver, bringing our “day in the life” VanScene to life. This video also reinforced the breadth of the Park Boards’ influence in Vancouver, promoted the online survey and VanPlay tour events (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform).

· Offline awareness is often overlooked and underused in planning. The client and design team wanted as much top-of-mind attention on the plan as possible, so they wrapped a city vehicle as a moving billboard advertising the plan. The engagement events on the VanTour were strategically scheduled for locations that allowed the team to reach the most diverse audience possible in various income areas (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform & Involve).

· The tour van included a blue “imagination playground” set to catch people’s attention and encourage family participation in the engagement activities (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform & Consult).

· A systemwide observation study took place over six weeks in the summer and documented how over 18,000 people used parks and recreation in neighborhoods of varying income and diversity. Results informed the current state engagement (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform).

· A citywide online survey was deployed to capture big ideas and parks and recreation needs from the community (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform & Consult).

· SmartCity Lectures around key topics identified through the survey (including park equity) were hosted by various North American expertswith community question-and-answer sessions and work sheet captures (IAP2 Spectrum: Inform & Involve).

Transformative Results

The VanPlay brand infused community engagement activities as well as high-level presentations to city officials and staff. Anecdotally, the client’s corporate communication head lauded the project materials for their vibrancy and appeal. The campaign has created a space for the client and community to acknowledge current and future challenges and collectively imagine a brighter future for parks and recreation.

The metrics of success and uptake of the VanPlay brand and message include:

· Over 1 million digital impressions to the campaign;
· 4,000 connections through the VanTour and imagination playground;
· Over 200 organizations engaged;
· 10,000 video views and mentions;
· 10,000 visits to online engagement tools;
· 100 percent Park Board approval of graphic identity;
· VanPlay achieved an ideal 50 percent split between adult and child respondents to date.

This project ultimately marks a paradigm shift in how parks and recreation departments brand and identify themselves. By creating a versatile and useable identity, this project shows that custom brands can both embody the client’s values and goals and empower the community to share their own dreams for the future. By staging engagement activities that built momentum with user-friendly tools—from hashtags to design standards—the brand took on its own vitality, catalyzing connection and excitement that would not have been possible without it.

Imagination Playground

More:ASLADesign Workshop – Denver/Aspen

