Sharecuse共享办公室,纽约 / Architecture Office


Architecture Office是一家位於德克薩斯州奧斯汀郊區的建築設計公司,近日為Sharecuse共享辦公室打造了其全新的旗艦店空間。空間地處市中心歷史悠久的1928年建設的雪城大廈內,其設計汲取了大廈90年來作為辦公空間的豐厚歷史,同時加上設計團隊對一系列工作空間進行的類型研究,ShareCuse的整體設計探索、擴展和復興了辦公隔間的概念。


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Architecture Office, an architecture firm based outside of Austin, Texas, has designed the flagship work environment for ShareCuse, a new coworking space located within the historic 1928 Syracuse Building in the city's downtown district. Drawing from the edifice's rich 90-year history as an office building, and the firm's own research into a range of workspace typologies, the design for ShareCuse explores, expands, and reinvigorates the notion of a cubicle.

▼ShareCuse的設計探索、擴展和復興了辦公隔間的概念,the design for ShareCuse explores, expands, and reinvigorates the notion of a cubicle

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Sharecuse在現有鋼骨混凝土結構建築的二層,佔地3200平方英尺,包含25個辦公工位。 Architecture Office將空間設計成一系列獨立的黑色小隔間和中央廚房兩部分,從而劃定了整個開放式辦公區域中的一系列休息空間,另外還有七間個人辦公室、一間會議室以及一間電話室。

▼室內透視,perspective view

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ShareCuse accommodates 25 members, and is set within a 3,200-square-foot room on the second floor of an existing concrete and steel building. Architecture Office's design for the space is defined by an arrangement of freestanding black cubicles and a kitchen island within the interior of the space, that define a series of interstitial lounge spaces throughout the open office. Ringing the open workspace are seven private offices, a conference room and a telephone booth.

▼空間分為獨立黑色小隔間和中央廚房兩部分, the space is defined by an arrangement of freestanding black cubicles and a kitchen island within the interior of the space

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▼獨立的黑色小隔間,freestanding black cubicles

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▼辦公隔間遠遠看起來整體上像是一塊黑色方體,from a distance the office cubicles appear monolithic as single black forms

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▼黑色網格屏風可以遮住背後的空間,cubicles are crafted from black mesh screens that filter the appearance of the spaces behind

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Unlike the traditional enclosed cubicle, separated by opaque half-walls from its neighboring workspace, the ShareCuse cubicles are crafted from black mesh screens that filter the appearance of the spaces behind. From a distance the office cubicles appear monolithic as single black forms. As one approaches the screens, the surfaces shift character into layers of translucent scrim that exhibit the offices and personnel within.

▼當人們接近屏風時,其半透明的稀鬆佈網特徵,展現出裡面的辦公空間和工作人員,the surfaces shift character into layers of translucent scrim that exhibit the offices and personnel within.

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“我們的目標是在滿足辦公功能的同時設計一個靈活的辦公空間,”Architecture Office聯合創始人Nicole McIntosh說道,“通過將隔間結構分組成像限,我們能夠想像工作人員在它周圍展開的一系列活動。”開放式工作空間的幾何佈局有助於定義其特殊的“休息”區域,同時促進互動和保證私密性。 Architecture Office聯合創始人Jonathan Louie說:“隔間作為一系列最小單元占據、框定和定義著更大的空間。隔間充當了室內工作空間的結構,長島廚房則作為聚會和互動之所。

▼長島廚房則作為聚會和互動之所,the long island acts as a conduit for congregation and interaction

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“Our aim was to design a flexible office organization that does not kill the work environment”, says Architecture Office co-principal Nicole McIntosh. “By grouping the cubicle structures into quadrants, we imagine workers moving around the objects and interacting within the shared office landscape.” The arrangement of geometrically strict structures in the open workspace also serve to define unique “lounge” spaces that promote simultaneously interactive and private work environments. “(Cubicles) act as a series of minimal objects that occupy, frame, and define regions by inhabiting a larger room”, says Architecture Office co-principal Jonathan Louie. Whereas the cubicles act as a structure for working within, the long island acts as a conduit for congregation and interaction.

▼從廚房看個人辦公室,view from kitchen to private spaces

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隔間內有一系列3’x 7’的開口,人們可以在空間內進行短暫的停留共享工作空間。一些開口是隔間的門界,另一些則促成工作人員之間的信息傳遞或團隊協同辦公。所有隔間與開口尺寸既相互統合,又位置不一,從而創造出了不同的空間變化與空間的交互作用。模塊化的隔間可以同時打開或關閉,顯得既高效又俏皮。

▼隔間示意,cubicles illustration

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Built into the cubicles are a series of 3' wide x 7' high openings that allow for moments of engagement between spaces and invite people to share across workspaces. Some openings are thresholds for entry, while others act as opportunities for members working in teams to pass information or share desks. Although the cubicles and their openings are all of uniform size, the placement of the openings are different, generating variety and different interaction with their surrounding spaces. The modular cubicle can appear simultaneously open and closed, efficient and playful.

▼模塊化的隔間可以同時打開或關閉,the modular cubicle can appear simultaneously open and closed

設計靈感來自包括雅克·塔蒂的電影、羅伯特·歐文的作品在內的圖像參考集錦,Louie和McIntosh指出有趣的變化和平紋棉麻網格旨在促進視覺聯繫。 “我們的興趣是了解如何在不細分隔間的情況下破除傳統重複的隔間模式,鼓勵個體和空間的聯繫與連接。傳統隔間和其半圍合材料營造出一個半私密的工作空間,但在視覺上卻阻斷了人和辦公室的其他連接。我們發現這款平紋棉麻織物擁有十分有趣的視覺特性,用它作為圍合材料,從不同的角度會呈現不同的視覺效果。”

Inspired by their collection of image references including the films of Jacque Tati, as well of the work of Robert Irwin, Louie and McIntosh note that the playful variations and scrim are meant to encourage a sense of visual connection. “We were interested in understanding how we could interrupt the traditional repetition of the cubicles without subdividing them, as well as encourage connection and the relationship between singular and shared office spaces. The traditional cubicle and its half-wall fosters a semi-private working space, yet visually disconnects you from the rest of the office. We found the visual properties of the scrim interesting as a semi-private wall that appears differently from different viewpoints.”

▼平紋棉麻網格旨在促進視覺聯繫,scrim meant to encourage a sense of visual connection

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▼室內色調促進了視覺上的聯繫,同時調節了流動區域和休息區域之間的微妙平衡,the color palette further facilitates visual connection and the modulation of flow and lounge spaces

▼白牆以及灰色天鵝絨座椅,white wall & grey velvet chairs with brass legs

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The color palette further facilitates visual connection and the modulation of flow and lounge spaces. Black cubicles, a long island, and tables sit as contrasting, minimal objects within the exposed concrete ceiling, white walls, and washed-out concrete floors of the existing building . The only accent colors are the desaturated pink, grey and blue velvet chairs with brass legs, that help to subtly articulate the different lounge areas, while not completely separating one from the other. The dark grey dot rugs mark seating areas.

▼休息區,lounge areas

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▼暗灰色圓點地毯表示座位區,dark grey dot rugs mark seating areas

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Sharecuse共享办公室,纽约 / Architecture Office-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

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