宾夕法尼亚大学Pennovation Works景观 The University of Pennsylvania Pennovation Works / DAVID RUBIN Land Collective


DAVID RUBIN Land Collective: 佔地23英畝的Pennovation Works是還在規劃中的3700英畝河岸重建區的一部分,位於賓夕法尼亞大學( UPenn )和費城海軍船塢之間。它推廣了學術研究並成為該市重要的創新孵化基地之一。

DAVID RUBIN Land Collective: Part of a planned 3,700-acre riverfront redevelopment zone between the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and the Philadelphia Navy Yard along the Schuylkill River, the 23-acre Pennovation Works extends academic research and become one of the City’s key innovation incubators.


The new campus is one of the first initiatives toward re-imagination of this waterfront site of former heavy industry. The campus combines professionals and researchers from wide-ranging disciplines such as robotics, cyber physical systems, and security.

Pennovation Works的景觀是校園裡的第一個項目,它發揚了DAVID RUBIN Land Collective工作室的使命,即把不同背景的人聯繫起來,解決複雜的問題,增進知識和文化。圍繞著Pennovation Works,一個包容性很強的廣場和景觀融入了綠色基礎設施,將現有的草坪移植到野花草地裡並進行鄉土種植。

The landscape of Pennovation Works, the first project on the campus, promotes DAVID RUBIN Land Collective's mission of connecting people from various backgrounds to solve complex problems and advance knowledge and culture. Surrounding the Pennovation Works, a generous plaza and landscape incorporate green infrastructure, as well as naturalize existing lawn into wildflower meadows and native planting.


The design accounts for future development while creating meaningful places on the campus in the short-term. Within the landscape is an instrumented, outdoor laboratory with netting which enables the testing of high performance outdoor aerial and ground robots.

該設計是Penn、HWKN、KSS建築工作室、LAND COLLECTIVE、Bruce Mau設計、Ballinger、Focus Lighting和Atelier Ten成功合作和創新的結果。經過研討會,各方都為更廣闊的場地以及建築、景觀、身份、標誌和項目做出了貢獻。

The design is the result of a successful collaborative and creative process between Penn, HWKN, KSS Architects, LAND COLLECTIVE, Bruce Mau Design, Ballinger, Focus Lighting and Atelier Ten. Through workshops and charrettes, each party contributed to the vision of the broader site as well as the architecture, landscape, identity, signage and program.

景觀設計:DAVID RUBIN Land Collective

Year: 2016
Landscape Architecture: DAVID RUBIN Land Collective

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