荷兰公园别墅 / Gillespies



The design for the landscapes at Holland Park Villas draws inspiration from the sites close proximity to Holland Park and provides a green, naturalistic setting. A woodland belt of retained and new verdant trees wraps around three sides of the development, enveloping the architecture and seamlessly integrating the development with the adjacent park, whilst achieving a degree of seclusion for its residents.


On arrival, a resplendent 30‑year‑old Acer Palmatum tree takes centre stage, creating a grand and dramatic entrance. High quality granite paving, pleached hornbeam trees, ornamental planting, clipped hedging and a water wall further add to this sense of grandeur and elegance.

荷兰公园别墅 / Gillespies-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


At the centre of the development is a beautiful central courtyard. Designed to feel mature and natural, the garden is encircled by the apartments affording residents stunning views over the courtyard space. Surrounded on all sides by a moat, the central courtyard provides a secluded and tranquil space for the residents to walk, sit and relax. Off the central path, stepping stones meander through the naturalistic ornamental planting and reveal moments of delight — reflection pools concealed within the planting and clipped box balls that add a playful expression of artifice to the naturalistic planting.

荷兰公园别墅 / Gillespies-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载一系列的草坪梯田向下延伸,擁抱別墅,為居民提供一個安靜的休息空間。梯田上的台階通向一片林地,這裡的居民可以在鬱鬱蔥蔥的樹冠下漫步,獲得更多的寧靜,還可以在風鈴草和蕨類植物中漫步。

A sequence of lawn terraces step down to embrace the residential villas, providing a secluded space for residents to sit and relax. Steps from the terraces lead up to a woodland walk that offers residents further tranquility and an opportunity to stroll through bluebells and ferns beneath a lush canopy of trees.

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荷兰公园别墅 / Gillespies-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载 荷兰公园别墅 / Gillespies-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载 荷兰公园别墅 / Gillespies-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

客戶:Native Land

Project name: Holland Park Villas
Project type: Residential
Location:London, UK
Design company: Gillespies
Client: Native Land


