泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited


Shma :奧尼克斯位於曼谷最繁忙的街區之一,毗鄰繁忙的主幹道,四周都是擁擠的建築。 “通道”的概念旨在創造一個獨特的旅程,穿越城市與項目之間的各種過渡空間。在外部和內部空間之間。這種過渡空間不僅有助於人們在穿越這些空間時慢慢調整情緒,而且為建築和設施提供了獨特的環境。

Shma :Onyx is situated at one of Bangkok’s busiest neighborhood next to the main busy road and surrounded by congested building blocks. “Passage” is the concept aims to create a unique journey through various transitional spaces between city and the project. Between exterior and interior space. This transitional space is not only help to slowly adjust people’s mood while they move through these spaces but also provide a unique setting for building as well as facilities.

泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

居民通過“院牆”後,進入“森林”區,這裡種植著茂密的熱帶植物。中間有成排的水紋條,將潮濕和聲音的水引入空間。 “旅程”在這裡結束,這裡是進入大廳之前一個寧靜的地方。

After passing through the “gate wall”, residents enter to “Forest” area where lush tropical plants are planted here. There are rows of water feature strips laid in between to introduce moist and sound of water to the space. The journey is ended here where tranquility is found before entering into the lobby.

平面圖  Plan
泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载 泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载五樓平面  5th Floor Plan泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载 泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载泰国Onyx住宅景观 / Shma Company Limited-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


At the facility area on 5th floor, sunken “stone garden” is introduced not only to form a transitional space between the residential area and swimming pool area but also helps to provide a unique setting for the swimming pool space. Residents have to move across a stone garden before entering pool deck where it is floating over a 50 meter long lap pool.

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<p>At the roof garden on 18th 19th and 20th floor, series of stepping lawns and planters are introduced to connect these three separated gardens to become one continuous space. As a result, the resident has a larger space to move around and connect. It becomes a unique artificial hill in the sky where resident can relax with great view of Bangkok's Skyline.</p>
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