萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio


2.ink studio: 与塞勒姆医院门诊康复中心合作开发的“让我们都玩”适应性游乐场既是公共的综合能力游乐场,也是康复中心的儿科和成人治疗设施。与康复治疗师、儿童和家庭密切合作,适应性游乐场的所有元素都被设计成在一个安全、欢迎公众的环境中,支持可衡量的认知、社会、行为和身体治疗价值。自定义的游戏元素包括攀爬结构,可移动的滑梯,专业的秋千,旋转器,弹跳台,感官元素和水协作游戏。一个蜿蜒的轨道围绕着操场,为病人提供了一个可进入的电路来建立运动技能。一块砖砌的拱门和解释性的镶板,纪念俄勒冈州一所盲人学校。

2.ink studio: Developed in conjunction with the Salem Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, the “Let’s All Play” Adaptive Playground serves as both a public all-abilities playground and a working pediatric and adult therapy setting for the Rehabilitation Center. Working closely with Rehabilitation therapists, children and families, all elements of the Adaptive Playground were designed to support measurable cognitive, social, behavioral and physical therapeutic value in a safe and welcoming environment open to the public.Customized play elements include a climbing structure, accessible slide, specialized swings, spinners, jumping podiums, sensory elements and collaborative water play. A serpentine track surrounds the playground, providing an accessible circuit for patients to build motor skills.  A brick arch and interpretive panels commemorate the Oregon School for the Blind that once occupied the site.



萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载 萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载 萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载萨利姆康复性游乐场 / 2.ink Studio-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


The Let’s All Play adaptive playground illustrates the unique value of integrating inclusive and therapeutic elements within a public playground setting, adding social and cognitive challenge, increasing motivation, providing inclusiveness and creating a positive learning environment for all.


客户:Salem Health
建筑师:Scott Edwards建筑事务所

Location: Salem, OR
Client: Salem Health
Architect: Scott Edwards Architecture

更多:2.ink studio


