澳大利亚悉尼达令港市民公园 / ASPECT Studios


ASPECT Studios悉尼达令港南部,也就是被人们熟知的Darling Quarter,是澳大利亚最引人入胜的旅游目的地之一,亦是悉尼最能展现城市新风貌的重点工程项目。项目占地1.5公顷,中心是一座4000平方米的儿童游乐场,也是悉尼CBD内最大的儿童游乐场。 为了突出达令港工业港口的特色,游乐场以“水”为主题,打造一系列具有创意的互动游戏空间。设计从达令港的工业历史从发,通过抽象的艺术形式,在游乐场再现澳大利亚各大河流的景象。 从德国引进的制作精细的儿童水上游乐器材和天然材料的使用,确保游乐安全性的同时,鼓励儿童与同伴之间的交流与合作、探索与享受这个精彩的水世界。此外,多种类型的游乐器械和功能设施,让各种年龄人群都能参与其中、享受快乐。充分考虑雨水过滤和回收利用的策略以及采用最先进节能灯的举措则是我们重视社会和生态可持续发展的体现。

ASPECT Studios: has completed a transformation of the public domain of Darling Harbour South, one of Australia’s most visited destinations. This public domain project now known as Darling Quarter was commissioned by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (now Property NSW) and Lendlease. A major 1.5 hectare place-making project for Sydney with a retail terrace, public park, two 6-star commercial buildings and an innovative children’s playground as its centre piece. At over 4000 sqm, the playground is the largest in the Sydney CBD and with its interactive water play facilities has become a regional attraction for Sydney.


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Darling Quarter builds a strong civic link to the city via the creation of a new pedestrian street – called the ‘civic connector’ which connects Tumbalong Park to Bathurst street and Town Hall. A second pedestrian link – the Pedestrian Boulevard reinforces the movement between the Entertainment Centre, Cockle Bay and beyond and prioritises the pedestrian connections through the site. The project revitalises Darling Harbour by upgrading ground plane materials, lighting, public furniture and planting. A range of destinational place making initiatives have been implemented including an enlarged park, table tennis tables, moveable public seating and rugs, and a lighting master plan which enriches the night-time experience.


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项目类型:公共空间 ,商业 办公,游乐场地
设计团队:ASPECT Studios,Lendlease,FJMT,David Eager,Hyder,Waterforms International,Deuce Design,Speirs + Major,ARUP,SJB,Ramus Illumination
摄影:Florian Groehn,John Marmaras,John Gollings,Hamish Ta-me,Vincenzo Amato,

Location :Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Area: 1.5 hectares, 4,000 square metres of central children’s playground
Project Type:   Public Realm,Retail & Office ,Play
Client : Lend Lease
Design team:ASPECT Studios,Lendlease,FJMT,David Eager,Hyder,Waterforms International,Deuce Design,Speirs + Major,ARUP,SJB,Ramus Illumination
Photograph:Florian Groehn,John Marmaras,John Gollings,Hamish Ta-me,Vincenzo Amato,


更多:ASPECT Studios

