美国先锋公园 / Dig Studio



Pioneer park was originally designed and built in 1955, which was the pride and joy of Arizona in mesa. Many primitive trees fed by years of flood irrigation still exist today. Arizona’s desert environment is extremely rare, and its scale and maturity are very high. Unfortunately, this park has fallen into a period of abandonment and neglect. Parents are hesitant to send their children there because it has become homeless graffiti, where illegal drugs are abused. The long-standing train was imprisoned behind an ominous steel fence and was crawling with stray cats. However, people in this community have a vision. They want to preserve the park’s precious assets and at the same time re-imagine every aspect of the park. Today, pioneer park has once again become a landmark destination and restored the pride of the community. After the opening ceremony, the Facebook page of new York city lit up positive comments, praising ” vanguard park is back! ” the vast majority of residents expressed the significance of the rejuvenated park to them. In the 2018 mesa city state speech, the mayor reported that his daughter exclaimed,’ this park is better than disneyland! ‘


One of the park’s main goals is to “rethink the game” and study how game activities become a tool for increasing social interaction and building communities. Driven by the idea of ​​protecting and celebrating historic trees, Dig creates an iconic play experience in the woods, with an 500-foot-long elevated “player connector” walkway that immersively enters the canopy. The experience is multifaceted.

天桥底部采用明亮的黄色,极具视觉冲击力。The bottom of the overpass is bright yellow and has a visual impact.


The unique form of the park’s huge pistachios, tumbled pines and towering palm trees are interpreted in the design of custom game elements. These trees guide the design in another way, because all game elements and bridges must be strategic to protect these legacy trees.


The design provides an overhead path through a dense canopy and a unique bird’s-eye view park, while also obscuring people’s attention and adding many elements of the gaming experience below.Multi-level game elements encourage impromptu interactions between children. The social swing gathers below the sidewalk to create a shaded seating area.


The Central Park Axis is designed with interactive devices that attract crowds, offering mottled shadows that are darker at low angles of the sun and in the summer months. The shady structure supports a large cantilevered 15-foot water column that allows the viewer to engage the audience through programming and interactive displays, creating a vibrant backdrop for the big lawn event.



Pioneer Park has been welcomed by the majority of users. Certain elements, such as the historic South Pacific Train No. 2355 and the “President of the Utah Pioneer” monument, have special significance for community members who have actively participated in meticulous restoration work during the design and construction process. There are now activities planned throughout the year, including a weekly dining car on Friday nights, a major street celebration for Happy Holidays, “Mesa Earth Day”, “Car Show” and “Movies in the Park”. The community already has “their parks” that are driving away the unwelcome activities that took place there before. In a very short time, Pioneer Park has achieved great success and extended to neighboring communities. The unique park design supports downtown Mesa as a designated innovation zone. Without the promise of Mesa City to restore their city parks, the vibrancy and vitality of Mesa’s downtown and surrounding communities will not experience the recovery and reinvestment they see today.

更多:Dig Studio

