塔尔萨公园“聚集地” GATHERING PLACE / Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates



MVVA:“聚集地”是一个64英亩的公园,位于阿肯色河沿岸,距离塔尔萨市中心2英里。这个新公园由George Kaiser家族基金会资助,在与市政府官员和当地社区密切协助下开发,改变了原本平坦、风吹日晒的场地地形——有些区域提升了地形,有些区域则挖掘了水域,重新引入了广泛的原生生态系统。

MVVA:The Gathering Place is a 64-acre park situated along the Arkansas River just 2 miles from downtown Tulsa. Funded by the George Kaiser Family Foundation and developed in close consultation with city officials and the local community, the new park transforms the terrain of what was originally a flat, windblown and sun-baked site – raising topography in some areas, digging down to water in others, and reintroducing a broad range of native ecologies.


Credit: Elizabeth Felicella.


平面图 Master PlanCredit: MVVA.



The park, which opens in September 2018, is meant to serve its own neighborhood, but also the city as a whole. Gathering Place program deliberately features an abundance of activities and experiences, so that each visit back could present an opportunity to enjoy something new. Access and circulation are facilitated through strategic car access and parking, regional bike trails that thread through the park, and new pedestrian land bridges that unify the site into a cohesive whole.


Credit: MVVA.


塔尔萨炎热的夏天和河边的地理位置激发了这样的想法,即水应该是公园的一个决定性元素,在公园的基本景观结构和游戏特征中都有经验。Topology sub将场地划分为一系列较小的空间,每个空间都有各种各样的项目,每个人都可以在这些项目中找到可以做的事情。在整个公园里大量使用当地的石头,有助于将“聚集地”与该地区的自然特征联系起来。

Tulsa’s hot summers and the riverfront location inspired the idea that water should be a character-defining element of the park, experienced in play features as well as in the fundamental landscape structure of the park. Topography sub divides the site into a series of smaller spaces, each supporting a wide variety of program where everyone can find something to do. Local stone, used generously throughout the park in a variety of ways, helps connect the Gathering Place to the region’s natural features.


Credit: Nick Oxford for The New York Times.


Credit: Nick Oxford for The New York Times.


Credit: Nick Oxford for The New York Times.


Credit: Nick Oxford for The New York Times.



Play spaces within the park are boldly expressive and richly programmed. The complex combination of fantastic elements (for instance, colossal animals and fruit) are interwoven with towers, slides, bridges, and swings to create an environment for imaginative and tactile play along with a robust array of physical challenges. Active sports, like the skateboard park and basketball courts will give teenagers and young adults abundant opportunities to enjoy public space and the riverfront environment. In addition to an exciting array of daytime programs, nighttime use of the Gathering Place is encouraged with eating facilities, dramatic lighting and venues for movies and other programs. The name of the park reveals the guiding vision: this is meant to be a democratic space that brings the people of Tulsa together.



Credit: MVVA.



Credit: MVVA.



Credit: MVVA.


Credit: Elizabeth Felicella.


Credit: Elizabeth Felicella.


Credit: Nick Oxford for The New York Times.


Credit: Nick Oxford for The New York Times.


项目名称: 塔尔萨公园“聚集地”
地点: 美国塔尔萨
完成时间: 2018年
照片来源: Nick Oxford for The New York Times,Elizabeth Felicella,MVVA

Project name: Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier3
Location: Tulsa,USA
Completion: 2018
Photo Credits: Nick Oxford for The New York Times,Elizabeth Felicella,MVVA


更多 Read more about: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates

相关阅读 Related information: NEW York TIMES

