蒙特利尔皇家公园游乐场 / Lemay



Lemay:蒙特利尔皇家公园由弗雷德里克·劳·奥尔姆斯特德于1874年设计,目前每年接待游客超300万。多年来,尽管公园有所更新,但原始设计的要点仍然存在。为了突出其独特性,魁北克政府最近规划它为自然历史自治区。根据该遗址称号,十几个城市和省级机构批准了以下几个项目:源自皇家山本身的主题游乐场;含大约30张桌子的绿草丰盈的野餐草地;根据奥姆斯特得的框架观点,重新升级改造公园的道路和小径,以及基于其林地特征的景观管理更新。Cardinal Hardy负责项目中游乐场部分的设计。

Lemay:With over three million visitors a year, Mont-Royal Park in Montréal was designed by Frederic Law Olmstead starting in 1874. Despite the evolution of the park, the essentials of the original plan remain. In order to recognise its unique character, the Government of Quebec recently granted it the status of a natural and historical borough. Given this heritage designation, a dozen municipal and provincial organisations had to ratify this project, which included: A play ground conceived with a theme derived from Mount Royal itself, a picnic area in a grassy plain with approximately thirty tables, the redevelopment of roadways and paths which reiterate Olmsteadian framed viewpoints as well as a renewed management of the landscape based on its woodland characteristics. Cardinal Hardy was given the mandate to conceive the playground.


▼场地平面图  Site Plan

© Lemay



The theme is the Blue Spotted Salamander, an amphibian native to Mount Royal and the starring feature which organises the play structures and other park elements. Water features and other innovative play structures are integrated into the silhouette of the salamander as it rises from the earth ; this instigates a different kind of play, which encourages the children’s motor, cognitive and social development. Beyond simply contending with a heritage site, the project highlights the therapeutic influence of this large scale green space in the city.


项目平面图  Master Plan

© Lemay



The design was based on two distinct projections of the space; a vertically nuanced integration into the surrounding environment, and a horizontal plain contrasting the natural surroundings with the silhouette of the salamander and its bright colours. The neutral and discrete colouring of the structures allows them to melt when superimposed on the Olmsteadian decor.




The built area was as limited as possible in order to keep the ecological footprint to a minimum and the use of natural materials on the ground let surface water percolate into the soil At the edge of the clearing, an ecological corridor linking two main nodes of a local ecological network was planted with indigenous species in an effort to regenerate the understory.




Against this unusual backdrop, the landscape architect designed a Children Rights promenade of didactic elements. Public interpretive panels allow people of all ages to discover the rights guaranteed to children by the International Convention of Children’s Rights.




Built over a period of 16 months, this project recognises the emblematic and symbolic value of ‘The Mountain’. Both a school group and elected official were part of the opening ceremonies of the project; an event which promoted both the profession of landscape architecture and the rights of children.





Client: Ville de Montréal
Budget: $ 1.7m
Awards and mentions: Regional Merit, 2010


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